Sunday, July 17, 2016

Technology Enhanced Teaching

Technology Enhanced Teaching -
how to work in classes with multiple devices

Technology enhanced learning is a non-precisely defined term. In some context, it is used as a synonym for eLearning, in other context it refers to technology enhanced classrooms and means “learning with technology”.
Many articles and books have been written to this topic. Today technology in the classroom has become reality. Flexible (idealized) pedagogies have been developed and published.

Teachers and Technology

What about the teacher working in a technology enhanced environment? In a class with students using a laptop or multiple device for their learning? How can this teaching be organized, performed and done?
For technology enhanced teaching almost no literature exists. This gap will be filled by my new book “Technology Enhanced Teaching”, which will be available end of August. It describes a sophisticated and well proved method to handle lessons and is in some kind a variety of Blended Learning.
The book presents also a study about the teaching method, the results of five years testing and other interesting content.


  1. Hi Peter, I'm looking forward to read your book either end of Aug/early Sept.

  2. Grease Peter.looking forward tom read it; congrats!
